viernes, 4 de septiembre de 2009


"Es usted joven muchacha, no se da cuenta la cantidad de resistencia y ganas de luchas que proporciona la edad, son los jóvenes quienes se dejan caer y mueren, porque no tienen suficiente interés por vivir. Muéstreme usted a alguien que haya vivido más de 70 años, y tendrá adelante a un buen luchador, alguien que tiene ganas de vivir."

El testigo mudo. Agatha Christie (1937)

Stanley Spector.

This isn't funny. This isn't cute. See the way we're looked at? Because I'm not a toy. I'm not a doll. The way we're looked at because you think we're cute? Because, what? I'm made to feel like a freak if I answer questions? Or I'm smart? Or I have to go to the bathroom? What is that, Jimmy? What is that? I'm asking you that.

Magnolia, (1999)

I really do have love to give

"I know I did a stupid thing. So stupid! Getting braces. I thought... I thought he would love me. Getting... braces! And for what? For something I don't even... I don't know where to put things, you know? I really do have love to give! I just don't know where to put it!"

Magnolia, (1999)